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Content Feed Archives
10/1/2024 -
Senior Center Newsletter
9/26/2024 -
Citywide Tag Sale
8/17/2024 -
2nd Annual Back to School Giveaway 8/17/24 11:30 a.m.
7/26/2024 -
Notice of Republican Primary
7/16/2024 -
Vendor Double Play Application 2024 RTV / Harvest Fest
7/16/2024 -
Job Posting - Library Page PT
7/11/2024 -
Naugatuck Valley Corridor Economic Development District / Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Annual Report
7/10/2024 -
Olson Drive Soccer Field Site Preparation RFP
7/8/2024 -
WPCA to Aquarion Proposed Transition Plan
6/28/2024 -
Discharge of Stormwater From Municipsl Systemd Annual Report
6/25/2024 -
RFQ Railroad Pedestrian Bridges (Skybridges) Demolition and Removal
6/19/2024 -
City Wide Tag Sale Map
6/9/2024 -
Ansonia Opera House RFP
6/3/2024 -
Harvest Festival Call for Vendors
6/1/2024 -
Job Posting - Per Diem EMT Driver
6/1/2024 -
Rock The Valley Vendor Application
5/31/2024 -
Answers to Questions Raised re: Potential Sale of WPCA
5/29/2024 -
Ansonia Summer Camp
5/23/2024 -
5/22/2024 -
Ansonia City-Wide Tag Sale
5/20/2024 -
Maintenance and Repair Ansonia Vehicles - Police Department
4/30/2024 -
2024 Trash Collection RFP
4/29/2024 -
Public Hearing Partial Lease of SHW Property 35 North Main Street
4/25/2024 -
Mayors Budget FY'25
4/15/2024 -
Memorial Day Parade Call for Participants
3/13/2024 -
35 North Main St RFP Building 12 and 2 Development Pads
3/6/2024 -
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) & Proposals (RFP) 31-165 Olson Drive – Environmental Services
2/23/2024 -
Legal Notice
2/13/2024 -
Public Hearing Notice - Board of Aldermen - Traffic Control Ordinance
1/10/2024 -
2024 Winter Parking Regulations
12/27/2023 -
Request for Qualifications Naugatuck River Greenway
12/16/2023 -
12/2/2023 -
Holiday Marketplace - Call for Vendors
10/31/2023 -
Voter Registration Session 10/31/23
10/31/2023 -
RFQ Brownfield Consulting Services
10/26/2023 -
Job Posting - Senior Center Page - Part Time
10/25/2023 -
Referendum Video
10/21/2023 -
Autumn Fest - Ansonia Nature Center
10/12/2023 -
Job Posting - WPCA Plant Manager
10/10/2023 -
Public Hearing
9/23/2023 -
2023 Harvest Festival Call for Vendors
9/2/2023 -
Pinky Silverberg Boxing Club Signup
8/31/2023 -
Lottery for Ballot Position for November Election
8/3/2023 -
NVCOG Bus Shelter Replacement Meeting
7/31/2023 -
35 North Main St RFP
7/6/2023 -
RFP #2 Elm Street
6/29/2023 -
RFP Trash 2023
6/24/2023 -
Tag Sale June 24th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
5/17/2023 -
Summer Camp Program
5/10/2023 -
Ansonia Animal Shelter Tag Sale
4/27/2023 -
Mayor.s FY 2024 Budget Presentation
4/26/2023 -
RFP Professional Appraisal Services
4/11/2023 -
State Street Public Hearing Recording
4/4/2023 -
4/3/2023 -
Neighborhood Assistance Act Program
3/17/2023 -
Request for Proposals - Nolan Field Playground Renovation
3/8/2023 -
Public Hearing Tax Incentive Package
3/8/2023 -
RFQ Trash Collection Services - City of Ansonia
2/21/2023 -
Internal Posting FT EMT/Driver
1/31/2023 -
35 North Main Street Air Sampling Results
1/18/2023 -
Library Programming Position - Part Time
12/12/2022 -
Winter Parking Regulation Update 12/12/22
11/18/2022 -
Senior Center Director Job Posting
11/18/2022 -
Library Page Job Posting
11/1/2022 -
2022 State Election Warning
10/24/2022 -
Nature Center Ranger Job Posting
10/18/2022 -
Dracula and Wolfman
9/23/2022 -
Job Opening Nature Center Ranger
9/16/2022 -
Job Posting EMT Supervisor Position
8/16/2022 -
State Project No. 002-TBD – Train Station Area Enhancement and Electric Vehicle Charging
8/15/2022 -
State Project No. 002-TBD – Train Station Area Enhancement and Electric Vehicle Charging
8/7/2022 -
Job Opening - Crossing Guard
7/29/2022 -
Primary Election Notice Wards 1 & 2 2022
7/29/2022 -
Primary Election Notice Ward 3 2022
7/25/2022 -
Broadband Survey for Funding
7/14/2022 -
RFP 35 North Main Street
7/12/2022 -
Primary Notice
7/10/2022 -
Harvest Festival Call For Vendors
7/10/2022 -
Rock the Valley Call for Vendors
7/8/2022 -
Paraconn at the Ansonia Armory
7/6/2022 -
United Illuminating Transmission Line Public Meeting
6/4/2022 -
City Wide Tag Sale
6/1/2022 -
Demolition and Abatement Services SHW/Farrell Bid Opening Today
5/16/2022 -
Memorial Day Parade
5/2/2022 -
Public Works Director Position Opening
4/21/2022 -
Job Opening Ansonia Public Library - Part Time
4/11/2022 -
Mayor's Budget Presentation
4/11/2022 -
Neighborhood Assistance Act Program
3/22/2022 -
Legal Notice
1/28/2022 -
Parking ban in effect 1/28-1/30
12/1/2021 -
Winter Parking Effective 12/1/21
9/17/2021 -
Legal Notice and Ordinances
9/9/2021 -
Library Commission Meeting
9/8/2021 -
Ordinance Committee
9/7/2021 -
Election Lottery Notice
8/18/2021 -
Chief of Police job posting - ends September 17, 2021 12:00 p.m.
8/11/2021 -
RFP Nature Center Roof - Bid results
8/4/2021 -
Milling and Paving RFP - bids due by 8/20/21 11:00 a.m.
8/2/2021 -
2021 Democrat and Republican Party Endorsed Candidates
7/20/2021 -
RFP Nature Center Roof - Bid ends 8/5/21 3:00 p.m. Extended to 8/9/21 3:00 pm
7/16/2021 -
RFP Vendor for Revaluation Services - Bid ends 8/4/21 3:00 p.m.
7/14/2021 -
Senior Center bid opening 3:00 pm
6/9/2021 -
City Wide Tag Sale 7/24/21
5/20/2021 -
RFP Asbestos Abatement Project - 35 North Main Street - Ends 6/3/21 5:00 p.m.
5/17/2021 -
RFP for Vendor for Revaluation Services - Bid ends June 2, 2021
5/16/2021 -
Farmers Market Looking for Vendors
5/3/2021 -
RFP CDBG Small Cities Program Application Preparation and Program Administration - Ends 5/18/21 3:00 p.m.
4/22/2021 -
RFP Eagle Hose for Removal/Replacement of Epoxy Floor. Bid ends 5/6/21 11:00 a.m.
4/6/2021 -
ADA Concrete Ramp and Stairway Replacement Mead School
3/9/2021 -
Mayor's Budget 2021-2022
2/3/2021 -
RFP Line of Credit - Expires 2/19/21 12:00 p.m.
1/20/2021 -
RFP ARMS - Ambulance Transport Services - ends 1/25/21 12:00 p.m.
1/8/2021 -
COVID-19 Tax Deferment
12/24/2020 -
RFP - Energy Performance Contract - Bid ends 1/8/21 10:00 a.m.
12/1/2020 -
2020-2021 Winter Parking 12/1/20-3/31/21
12/1/2020 -
Trolley Track Sale
10/31/2020 -
Shredding event - October 31st 9:00 a.m. to noon
10/27/2020 -
Warning - November 3, 2020 State Election
10/19/2020 -
Ansonia Riverwalk, Segment 3 & 4
10/5/2020 -
East Main Street Roadway Improvement Project Plans
10/1/2020 -
Notice for Personal Property Filing
9/29/2020 -
Legal Notice to Defer Taxes
7/9/2020 -
Ansonia Police Department - Invitation to Bid Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles - Bid ends 7/30/20 11:00 a.m. (ZOOM info attached)
7/8/2020 -
Notice of Primary Presidential Elections
7/8/2020 -
City Wide Tag Sale Map for 8/8/20
7/8/2020 -
Invitation to Bid Police Department Vehicle Maintenance
7/7/2020 -
Legal Notice RFQ Naugatuck River Greenway Study 7/7/2020
5/24/2020 -
Coe Lane Improvement Project Bid ends 6/18/20 2:00 p.m.
5/19/2020 -
City of Ansonia Outdoor Activities Permit Application
4/30/2020 -
Application and Instructions for COVID-19 Tax Deferral Program
4/18/2020 -
4/16/2020 -
Community Relief - T-Shirt Initiative
4/3/2020 -
Prendergast Schools - Boiler Replacement - Bid Ends 5/1/20
3/28/2020 -
3/27/20 Press Release -List of State and Federal Initiatives Offering Relief During Covid-19 Crisis
3/26/2020 -
Coronavirus - Community Updates, News and Information
3/18/2020 -
Facebook Restaurant Listing
3/16/2020 -
3/16/20 Ansonia Public Schools - Breakfast and Lunch
3/13/2020 -
Bid for Design Build of Maintenance Storage Shed for Ansonia Public Schools - Bid ends 4/2/20 at 2:00 pm
3/13/2020 -
SBA Disaster Assistance Loans (Impacted by Coronavirus)
12/31/2019 -
RFP - CDBG Small Cities Program Application Preparation and Program Administration - Ends 1/14/20 3:00 p.m.
12/9/2019 -
Press release regarding new Recycling Provider for Ansonia
12/6/2019 -
Organizational Board of Education Meeting
12/5/2019 -
Holiday Tree Lighting - December 6th Veterans Park at 6:00 p.m.
11/11/2019 -
Veterans Day Program
10/19/2019 -
Ansonia-Con October 19th 11am-5pm Ansonia Armory
9/28/2019 -
Ansonia's Best Pizza Battle at the Harvest Festival 9/28/19
9/16/2019 -
Neighborhood Assistance Act Program
9/6/2019 -
Request for Qualifications of Demolition Firm for 35 North Main Street - Extended to 10/8/19 end of business day
8/29/2019 -
RFP Olson Drive development of recreational facility or facilities - due by 9/9/19 3:00 p.m.
8/28/2019 -
Pinky Silverberg Boxing Club Registration
8/24/2019 -
Rock the Valley Vendor Application
7/28/2019 -
Rock the Valley and Harvest Festival Double Play Vendor Application
7/27/2019 -
City wide tag sale 7/27/19 9am-3pm
7/19/2019 -
7/27/19 City Wide Tag Sale Registration
6/28/2019 -
Bid ~ New Police Facility, 65 Main Street - bid ends 7/26/19 11:00 a.m.
6/20/2019 -
BoAT and BOA Final Budget 2019-2020
6/17/2019 -
Summer Concert Series
6/15/2019 -
Message from Mayor Cassetti regarding Ansonia shootings on June 15, 2019.
6/6/2019 -
6/6/19 7:00 pm - Mayor's presentation of 2019-2020 Budget Aldermanic Chambers
5/17/2019 -
Pedestrian Enhancement Project Prindle and Pulaski - Ends 6/6/19 11:00 am
5/7/2019 -
Summer Camp and Nature Center Camp Programs
3/30/2019 -
Kindergarten Registration and Family Fun Fair
2/21/2019 -
Mayor Cassetti announces 2019 beautification projects
2/21/2019 -
Armory Landscaping
2/21/2019 -
Abe Stone Park improvements
2/21/2019 -
Fire House Bell Restoration
1/15/2019 -
RFQ - Removal of furniture from entire building located at 505 East Main Street - Deadline 1/31/19 12:00 p.m.
1/11/2019 -
Ansonia Nature Center named 3rd best Nature Center in Connecticut
1/4/2019 -
Swearing in of Fire Chiefs, Friday, January 4th 6:30 p.m.
11/26/2018 -
Holiday Home & Yard Decorating Contest - Ends 12/31/18
11/26/2018 -
Gingerbread House Baking Contest
11/20/2018 -
Toy Drive November 13 - December 14 at City Hall
11/2/2018 -
Trolley tracks for sale!
11/1/2018 -
11/17/18 3rd Annual Pinky Silverberg Boxing Event
10/11/2018 -
Request for Proposal - Ansonia Fire Department - Bidding ends 10/22/18 11:00 a.m.
10/3/2018 -
A Month of Thrills at the Library
9/29/2018 -
Harvest Festival September 29th - Application
9/7/2018 -
BID - RFQ for Professional Engineering Services - Bid closes 11:00 a.m. 9/24/18
8/14/2018 -
RFQ Development Corporation for legal address of 65 Main Street - ends 9/5/18 at 11:00 a.m.
7/31/2018 -
Primary Election Notice
7/21/2018 -
7/21/18 Town Wide Tag Sale 9-3 (Rain date 7/22/18)
7/1/2018 -
July & August summer events at Library
6/26/2018 -
Ansonia awarded Brownsfield Area-Wide Revitalization Grant
6/11/2018 -
State provides $1.8 million extra to Board of Education
5/27/2018 -
We are looking for marchers for the Memorial Day Parade on 5/27/18!
5/24/2018 -
Budget Information
5/21/2018 -
Fill a Public Works Truck Food Drive May 21-May 26
4/21/2018 -
4/12/2018 -
Learn to Fish
4/6/2018 -
Budget Discussion schedule - BOA Finance/BoAT
3/7/2018 -
State Legislative Update Cancelled 3/7/18
1/11/2018 -
RFQ Reconstruction of Wakelee Avenue due by 1/18/18 11:00 a.m.
1/4/2018 -
City Wide Parking Ban in effect until 6:00 p.m. Friday the 5th.
1/3/2018 -
Ansonia Armory open for morning walks
12/16/2017 -
Holiday House Decorating Contest 12/16/17 - 12/31/17
12/9/2017 -
Ansonia Winter Playground Opens Saturday 12/9/17
12/2/2017 -
Holiday Marketplace at the Armory December 2nd 11-4
12/1/2017 -
Winter parking 12/1/17 - 3/31/18
11/9/2017 -
Ansonia Winter Playground Contest ~ WIN A SLED/FLYER
11/7/2017 -
Voting Times and Locations by Wards
10/26/2017 -
Invitation for Bids for Peck School - Legal Notice, Addendums, Contract bid documents, Environmentals and Phase 1
10/23/2017 -
Notice of Filing Requirement of Business Personal Property
10/10/2017 -
Invitation to bid - Resconstruction of Wakelee Avenue - ends 11/9/17 11:00 a.m.
10/8/2017 -
Week of October 9th - see below
9/27/2017 -
Public Hearing on 10/3/17 7:00 p.m. on Draft Proposed Ordinances Changes
9/12/2017 -
September 12, 2017 Republican Primary
7/17/2017 -
Current road paving and driveway apron repairs
7/10/2017 -
7/11/17 Board of Alderman Meeting Packet
6/27/2017 -
Scheduled helicopter inspection UI - June 29-July 3
6/19/2017 -
Ansonia's Main Street Marketplace Wednesdays July 12 - August 23
6/13/2017 -
6/13/17 BOA Agenda and packet
6/2/2017 -
Ansonia Playground Summer Camp Program
5/28/2017 -
Trash and recycle pick up this week is one day behind
5/10/2017 -
65 Main Street Parking Lot Appraisal
5/9/2017 -
5/9/17 Board of Alderman packet
5/9/2017 -
Press Release and Answers to Public Hearing questions
5/2/2017 -
Public Hearing Today, 5/2/17 - 7:00 p.m. Aldermanic Chambers - 65 Main Street
4/26/2017 -
Lawn Restoration (distubed during natural gas installation) 5/15/17-6/2/17
4/21/2017 -
Ansonia Passway Utility Bid - Bid ends 5/18/17 2:00 p.m.
4/17/2017 -
Notice of Revaluation
4/3/2017 -
River walk Project
3/27/2017 -
Exterior Mason repairs at Ansonia Armory - Bidding ends 4/20/17 3:00 p.m. Pre Bid 4/4/17 10:00 a.m.
3/15/2017 -
Mead School Portables bids - bidding ends 3/20/17 3:00
3/1/2017 -
Mead School Parking Area Bids - bidding ends 3/29/17 2:00 p.m.
2/10/2017 -
City of Ansonia - all offices will reopen with regular business hours Friday 2/10/17.
2/8/2017 -
Trash and Recycle pickup for Thursday 2/9/17 has been moved to Friday, 2/10/17 due to the snowstorm.
2/6/2017 -
BoAT 2017-2018 Budget Meetings, Workshop, Discussion and Vote Schedule 2/6/17 - 3/6/17
1/23/2017 -
Mayor Cassetti has announced that there will be a 90 minute delay tomorrow morning (1/24) for non critical departments, due to the icy conditions.
1/17/2017 -
1/17/17 Ansonia Armory opens 7am-10am for walkers
1/13/2017 -
Trash and Recycle pick up week is regular schedule for week of January 15-21
12/27/2016 -
Christmas Tree pick up
12/20/2016 -
Public Works Christmas Weekend days of operation
12/19/2016 -
Holiday Home and Yard Decorating Contest - Deadline December 23rd
12/18/2016 -
UPDATE: Parade of Champions postponed until Sunday, December 19th at 11:00 a.m.!
12/3/2016 -
Holiday Marketplace December 3rd 11:00 am - 5:30 p.m.
12/2/2016 -
Fire Museum closed for renovations
12/2/2016 -
December 2nd - Annual Christmas Tree Lighting
12/1/2016 -
2016 Winter Parking Regulations December 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017
11/30/2016 -
Bulk, brush and bagged Leaves pick up extended through 12/8
11/11/2016 -
11/11/16 Veterans Day Program ~ Veterans Park at City Hall
11/10/2016 -
2016 Election Referendum questions - All passed.
11/8/2016 -
Election Day polling places by ward
11/5/2016 -
11/5/16 8am-1pm Tri-Town Household Hazardous Waste & Paint Collection
11/1/2016 -
State of the City Address
9/29/2016 -
9/29/16 Mayor's Night Out
9/24/2016 -
9/24/16 Harvest Festival
8/20/2016 -
8/20/16 Rock the Valley
8/11/2016 -
City’s bond rating increased from AA- to AA!
7/13/2016 -
Traveling Marketplace - July 13th ~ September 7th
7/5/2016 -
Ansonia Playground Summer Camp Program
7/5/2016 -
Nature Center Camp
6/29/2016 -
Ansonia Business and Development Forum 6/29/16
6/25/2016 -
6/25/16 Pierre Lallement Bicycle Festival
6/18/2016 -
ARMS Shredding Event June 18th 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
4/22/2016 -
4/26/16 Presidential Preference Primary
4/1/2016 -
Ansonia Nature Center April 2016 Calendar of Events
3/31/2016 -
3/31/16 AHS Annual Spring Concert
3/17/2016 -
New Ordinances
3/12/2016 -
3/12/16 Raising of the Irish Flag
12/15/2015 -
Holiday Home and Yard Decorating Contest - Deadline December 15th
12/4/2015 -
12/4/15 Tree Lighting Ceremony
12/1/2015 -
Winter parking 12/1/15 - 3/31/16
11/28/2015 -
Ansonia's Nike Missile Site monument dedication
11/11/2015 -
Veterans Day Ceremony
10/7/2015 -
2015 Personal Property Declarations Notice
10/3/2015 -
Harvest Festival October 3, 2015
8/28/2015 -
Friday Night at the Movies!
8/22/2015 -
Rock the Valley!
7/25/2015 -
July 25th Town Wide Tag Sale
7/8/2015 -
Summer concert series begins 7/8/15
5/24/2015 -
"Thank you for your service" Ansonia Parade ~ We want you!! May 24th!
5/18/2015 -
May 18th - Bus trip to Mohegan Sun - call to register
5/5/2015 -
May 5th - 6th The Great Give - Ansonia Public Schools
4/13/2015 -
Spring Break Nature Days at the Ansonia Nature Center 4-13 ~ 4-17
4/9/2015 -
4/9/15 Learn to Fish - Free fishing school!
3/23/2015 -
Ansonia Nature Center Spring 2015 Calendar
3/21/2015 -
Pete the Cat "Reading Rocks" Literacy Fair March 21, 2015
3/14/2015 -
3/14/15 11:30 am Raising of the Irish Flag in front of City Hall
2/19/2015 -
2/19/15 Mayor's Night Out 6:30 pm TONIGHT!
1/24/2015 -
POSTPONED UNTIL 1/31/15 Kindergarten Registration Fair
12/5/2014 -
December 5th - Annual Tree Lighting
12/4/2014 -
12/4/14 Tax Sales!
11/27/2014 -
Dog Days of Autumn November 27-30
11/25/2014 -
Holiday Home and Yard Decorating Contest - Deadline December 9th
11/10/2014 -
November Board of Alderman meeting rescheduled to November 10,2014
10/28/2014 -
Request for Proposal for HR and Payroll Outsourcing services
10/11/2014 -
October 11, 2014 - 11th Annual Harvest Festival (postponed from 10/4)
8/20/2014 -
August 27th - Simply Swing 70's - Next Summer Concert and Farm Stand at Veteran's Park
7/26/2014 -
Ansonia Town Wide Tag Sale July 26th - Register NOW!
7/19/2014 -
July 19th Ansonia Summerfest!
7/1/2014 -
July Ansonia Nature Center Events!
6/28/2014 -
June 28th Touch -a - Truck
6/26/2014 -
Motor Vehicle, Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes due
6/26/2014 -
June 26th - I Care Health Fair
6/20/2014 -
Register Now for Summer Nature Days at Ansonia Nature Center
5/29/2014 -
Riverside (Olson Drive) Revitalization Project
5/25/2014 -
Ansonia Memorial Day Parade - Sunday May 25th
5/12/2014 -
Public Hearing on Budget May 12, 2014
5/10/2014 -
Derby Fishing Rodeo May 10th
5/6/2014 -
May 6-7 Great Give 2014
5/6/2014 -
TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. - Learn about Ansonia's NEW Anti-Blight Laws on May 6th 2014
5/5/2014 -
Freedom of Information Act Overview
5/5/2014 -
Ansonia Zoning Regulations and Introduction to Anti-Blight Program NOW ONLINE!
5/4/2014 -
Budget Process Concludes
5/4/2014 -
THIS SUNDAY! MAY 4th!! Ansonia's 3rd Annual Pierre Lallement Festival of Bikes
3/21/2014 -
NEW! Ansonia Mail a Map (Resources - Maps/Points of Interest)
3/4/2014 -
Paczki eating contest ~ an Ansonia tradition
2/25/2014 -
Fire Marshall awards students at Mead and Prendergast for Fire Prevention Posters
2/21/2014 -
March 4th - Mayor's Night Out and Block Watch Meeting
2/21/2014 -
March 15th - Raising of the Irish Flag!
2/18/2014 -
UPDATED Cancellations for Tuesday, February 18th
2/11/2014 -
The Public Hearing for the Small Cities Grant scheduled for February 11, 2014 has been canceled
2/10/2014 -
Community Developmet Block Grant program Public Hearing for 2/11 cancelled
2/9/2014 -
Upcoming events at Ansonia Nature Center
2/4/2014 -
City wide neighborhood watch meeting on 2/18/14
2/4/2014 -
2/5 Meeting Cancellation for Board of Police Commissioners
1/28/2014 -
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training to begin February 25, 2014
1/15/2014 -
Mayor Cassetti to place newly donated US flags in Ansonia's downtown.
1/14/2014 -
Mustang Sally's coming to Ansonia!
1/12/2014 -
#1 Ansonia Chargers honored at Walter Camp Banquet
1/7/2014 -
Kindergarten Registration Fair 1/25/14
1/7/2014 -
January 20th Blood Drive at ARMS
1/2/2014 -
Senior Center Warming Location
12/31/2013 -
Assessor Online GIS Information Available
12/31/2013 -
Ansonia Armory to open for Ansonia residents January 6th for walking
12/23/2013 -
Mayor Cassetti and Board of Aldermen Modernize Town and City Clerk’s Office
12/23/2013 -
Mayor Cassetti's Holiday Message 2013
12/21/2013 -
Winners of the "Deck your house and yard contest" results are in!
12/21/2013 -
Parade of Champions Video 12/21/13
12/7/2013 -
FREE CPR training
12/6/2013 -
Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
11/29/2013 -
Mayor introduces the City of Ansonia Prescription Discount ProAct for Residents
11/28/2013 -
City Hall is closed Thursday, Nov. 28 and Friday, Nov. 29 for the Thanksgiving Holiday
11/27/2013 -
Curbside bulk collection through November 27 - must call for pickup!
11/25/2013 -
Trash collection schedule for Thanksgiving week - click here
11/14/2013 -
Enter Now!!! Ansonia's Deck Your House & Yard Contest
11/14/2013 -
Public Works updates regarding Winter Parking Regulations & Snow Removal
11/13/2013 -
Trash is on its regular schedule this week.
11/5/2013 -
Election Day information: Where to vote; sample ballots; questions on ballot.
11/6/2012 -
Tuesday is Election Day ~ Find your voting location.
3/19/2012 -
Brass Valley: Made in America