
7/9/2020 - Ansonia Police Department - Invitation to Bid Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles - Bid ends 7/30/20 11:00 a.m. (ZOOM info attached)

Ansonia Vehicle Bid Specs for Maintenance and Repairs

Invitation to bid

Addendum #1  14a.  The oil changes are 3000 miles as well as safety checks.   

Addendum #2   Car washes can be done at the repair facility or outside the facility as long as prices are within approved amount.   

Addendum #3 Any repair that can't be done in-house needs to be pre-authorized by the Chief or his designee at  the agreed upon rate of pay of the approved bidder. 

There will be a public bid opening for the PD Vehicle Maintenance Contract on Thursday July 30th at 11am. (Zoom information below). Bids will be opened and read out loud. Anyone wishing to look at the bids in full detail, should notify me at [email protected] and we will scan and send them copies when available. We will review all bids and make a selection at a further date. The City of Ansonia reserves the right to reject any and all bids it deems not to be in the best interest of the City. 

Topic: Bid Opening 

Time: Jul 30, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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