REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – The City of Ansonia, Connecticut, is requesting bids from qualified contractors to complete road paving improvements of eight roads located in the City of Ansonia. The selected contractor will be under contract with and be paid by the City of Ansonia. All bids shall be submitted using the proposal forms included in this bid package. All work shall be conducted in accordance with technical specifications in the bid package and prevailing industry standards.
RFP packages may be obtained at the Town and City Clerk’s Office, 253 Main Street, Ansonia CT ([email protected]). Any firm desiring to furnish a proposal for such project shall submit a sealed proposal on or before August 16th at 3pm to the Town and City Clerk’s Office. The City of Ansonia reserves the right to reject any and all bids as it deems appropriate and in the best interest of the City of Ansonia. Any questions please email Sheila O’Malley at [email protected].
For paving bid, click here.
Addendum #1: This bid includes five roads. The roads will be marked out with arrows. It is the contractor’s responsibility to measure out each road.
Addendum #2: This bid will be extended until August 20, 2021 at 11am. Bid opening will be at 11:15am on August 20th, 2021.
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