1 North Division Street
Ansonia, CT 06401
The Ansonia Public Works Department is located on North Division Street in Ansonia. Access to the public works complex is through the entrance gate located directly past HMP Industries building. The transfer station is open Monday through Saturday (see hours below). Public Works has a container for residents to recycle their mattresses. Please call before you bring your mattress to assure there is room in the container, as they cannot be placed in the bulky waste. Thank you.
Hours of Operation
Mon. - Fri. 7:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Contact Information
Phone: (203) 736-5945 call to schedule bulk and leaves pick up
Fax: (203) 736-5943
Superintendent of Public Works
Tim Holman 203-815-3713 cell, 203-922-3108 office
Parks/Streets Foreman
203-922-3109 office
Buildings and Refuse Foreman
Michael Eheman 203-410-0743 cell, 203-922-3110 office
Darlene Zawisza 203-736-6000
Scale Operator
203-922-3111 or 203-922-3112
Mechanic Shop